
Aerize Loader for BlackBerry 7.1, 7.0, 6.0, 5.0, and 4.5 at BlackBerry World

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How to save a .cod file from a device to a computer

To save a COD file from your BlackBerry device to your personal computer, you will need to use the JavaLoader tool included with the BlackBerry® Java® Development Environment. Click here to download JavaLoader.

  1. Open a command prompt, and navigate to the location of the JavaLoader.exe utility.
  2. Connect the BlackBerry device to the computer.
  3. Use JavaLoader.exe to list the COD files and save COD files to your computer.

Issue a command using the following format: javaloader save name_of_app.cod

Alternately, save a COD group with the following format: javaloader save -g name_of_app_group

NOTE: You can also search Javaloader on Google.

Get Aerize Loader at BlackBerry World

Aerize Loader v1.x (Pre BlackBerry OS 4.5)

© MMXIII Aerize